New toolchain collection based on GCC-5.4.0 and GNU Libc 2.25 is available for download at FTP-server.
Читать далее ≫build-system-1.2.2
The build-system-1.2.x branch has been merged to trunk and the 1.2.2 tag has been created [see: revision 218 at the log].
Читать далее ≫Toolchains-1.3.0
New toolchain collection based on GCC-7.1.0 and GNU Libc 2.25 is available for download at FTP-server.
Читать далее ≫Radix-1.1.634 for ODROID C2
Next release of Radix.Linux is available on FTP-server. Now we support the ODROID C2 board.
Читать далее ≫Radix-1.1.633 for Amlogic SoCs
Next release of Radix.Linux is available on FTP-server. Now we support the line of Amlogic SoSs: S905, S905X, and S912.
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