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16 сентября 2017 г.

The build system was debugged while working on a new release of the Radix.Linux platform and next release of the build system is fixed on the tag 1.2.3.

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16 сентября 2017 г.

Last months all our works were conducted on the radix-1.1 branch and were devoted to porting the system to Amlogic SoCs. Now we have stabilized the assembly process and switched to GCC version 5.4.0 and GNU Libc 2.25. All changes were merged to the trunk and a new build of the Radix.Linux platform 1.1.672 was released.

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Toolchain 1.3.2

20 августа 2017 г.

On August 14, 2017 version 7.2.0 of the GNU Compiler Collection has been released and we updated the branch toolchains-1.3.x to GCC 7.2.0.

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Toolchains 1.2.1 and 1.3.1

18 августа 2017 г.

As you known there are three toolchain branches: toolchains-1.1.x, toolchains-1.2.x, and toolchains-1.3.x. The first branch toolchains-1.1.x collects code for building toolchains based on GCC5, the second branch toolchains-1.2.x supports toolchains based on GCC6, and third toolchains-1.3.x branch created for building toolchains based on GCC7.

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12 августа 2017 г.

New toolchain collection based on GCC-6.4.0 and GNU Libc 2.25 is available for download at FTP-server.

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